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发布时间: 2023-11-27 09:50  作者:种创中心   来源:内部   浏览次数:


男,西南大学农生院博士后,2019级博士,毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,研究方向为马铃薯土传病害防控。一作/导师一作发表论文10篇,SCI 8篇,申请专利4。主持博士后面上基金一项。


1. Tang, Z., Huang, C., Li, W., Li, W., Tan, W., Xi, B., Tian, Y., Zhu, L. 2023. Horizontal transfer of intracellular and extracellular ARGs in sludge compost under sulfamethoxazole stress. Chemical Engineering Journal, 454, 139968. IF=15.1

2. Tang, Z., Huang, C., Tian, Y., Xi, B., Guo, W., Tan, W. 2021. Fate of antibiotic resistance genes in industrial-scale rapid composting of pharmaceutical fermentation residue: The role implications of microbial community structure and mobile genetic elements. Environmental Pollution, 291, 118155.IF=8.9

3. Tang, Z., Xi, B., Huang, C., Tan, W., Li, W., Zhao, X., Liu, K., Xia, X. 2020. Mobile genetic elements in potential host microorganisms are the key hindrance for the removal of antibiotic resistance genes in industrial-scale composting with municipal solid waste. Bioresource Technology, 301, 122723.IF=11.4

4. Tang, Z., Xi, B., Huang, C., Tan, W., Xia, X., Yang, T., Yu, M., Zhao, X., Yuan, W. 2019. Linking phytoavailability of heavy metals with microbial community dynamics during municipal sludge composting. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 130, 288-296.IF=7.8

5. 黄彩红; 唐朱睿; 席北斗; 郭威; 李伟,一种堆肥中胞外DNA的提取方法 2022-11-22ZL202110675224.2

