
主要从事茶与饮料植物资源综合利用、茶叶品质分析与评价、茶叶健康功效等方面的研究与技术服务工作。获得国际学术“最佳研究者奖”、神农中华农业科技奖等奖项7项;独立译著、副主编和参编《邂逅花草茶》《茶叶营养与功能》等教材9部;主持国家级和省部级项目24项,地方政府和企业委托项目12项;以第一或通讯作者发表相关学术论文100余篇(其中多篇论文入选ESI全球Top 0.1%热点论文、高被引论文和封面论文)。
1. 茶与饮料植物资源功效评价与利用:主要开展茶与饮料植物资源在酒精性肝损伤、肠道炎症、糖脂代谢和昼夜节律紊乱等方面的功效评价,并以功能为基础开发相应的高品质和高价值产品。
2. 茶叶风味物质化学与感官评价:主要开展茶中主要风味物质间的相互作用,茶品质的特征性风味物质筛选和分子感官评价体系等方面的研究,实现茶叶年份鉴定、风味特征构建和数字化拼配。
1. 独立译著:邂逅花草茶(ISBN 9787518421244),中国轻工业出版社,2018年11月。
2. 副主编:茶艺基础与技法(ISBN 9787518422166),中国轻工业出版社,2020年4月。
3. 副主编:中国茶道▪礼仪之道(ISBN 9787109254534),中国农业出版社,2020年3月。
4. 副主编:茶叶营养与功能(ISBN 9787518414420),中国轻工业出版社,2017年6月。
5. 副主编:茶叶微生物产品学(ISBN 9787518415229),中国轻工业出版社,2017年8月。
6. 参编:中华茶礼仪(ISBN9787109308947),中国农业出版社,2023年8月。
7. 参编:茶学专业英语(ISBN 9787518422678),中国轻工业出版社,2020年6月。
8. 参编:茶叶生物技术(ISBN9787518413690),中国轻工业出版社,2017年6月。
9. 参编:农副产品综合利用(ISBN9787518413690),中国农业大学出版社,2009年9月。
1. 重庆市茶叶产业技术体系创新团队项目:茶资源拓展利用功能研究室(2023-2027)
2. 重庆市专家服务团服务基层项目:城口县咸宜镇李坪村茶产业服务(2022-2023)
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:夏秋茶绿色高效轻简化栽培技术研究与应用示范(2022-2025)
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题:重庆典型山区高效特色种养殖产业发展关键技术集成与示范(2022-2025)
5. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:烘焙对武夷岩茶滋味品质形成的物质基础研究(2022-2025)
6. 重庆市农业农村委科技项目:南川大树茶高效加工技术及产品开发研究(2022-2024)
7. 重庆市林业科技推广示范项目:老鹰茶茶园提质培优技术推广(2022-2023)
8. 重庆市科技兴林项目:老鹰茶加工和深加工技术集成创新与示范(2021-2022)
9. 重庆市地方标准制订项目:老鹰茶种植生产管理技术规程(2021-2022)
10. 重庆市现代山地特色高效农业技术体系项目:重庆沱茶糖脂代谢调控研究(2021)
1. Shanshan Hu, Zhiyuan Lin, Sibo Zhao, Bowen Zhang, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Pu-erh tea partly improved liver cholesterol metabolism disorders in colitis mice via the gut-liver axis. Food Science and Human Wellness (IF2023 = 7.000, JCR 1区)..
2. Qianhui Tang, Keyi Liu, Chuan Yue, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*, Zhijun Wu*. (2023). CsXDH1 gene promotes caffeine catabolism induced by continuous strong light in tea plant. Horticulture Research (IF2023 = 8.7, JCR 1区), 10(6):uhad090. DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhad090.
3. Fang Wei, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Characterization of key sweet taste compounds in Camellia nanchuanica black tea. LWT - Food Science and Technology (IF2023 = 6.000, JCR 1区). DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2023.114858.
4. Fang Wei, Jie Wang, Liyong Luo, Muhammad Tayyab Rashid, Liang Zeng*. (2023). The perception and health-promoting effects of phytochemicals associated with astringency: A comprehensive review. Food Research International (IF2023 = 8.100, JCR 1区). DOI: 暂无.
5. 曾亮, 张博闻*, 魏芳, 罗理勇. (2023). 南川大树茶红茶QDA分析条件优化与风味轮建立[J]. 茶叶通讯, 2023, 50(02): 141-152.
6. 渠一聪, 张绍绒, 罗理勇, 曾亮* (2023). 基于人工神经网络耦合遗传算法(BP-GA)优化茶氨酸-葡萄糖美拉德反应的条件[J]. 食品工业科技, 1-15.
7. 刘珂饴, 唐千惠, 张欣, 曾亮*. (2023). 受光强调控参与茶树叶绿素代谢的NF-Y家族基因的鉴定与分析[J]. 西南大学学报 (自然科学版), 45(05): 22-32.
8. Sibo Zhao, Shanshan Hu, Kang Sun, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Long-term Pu-erh tea consumption improves blue light-induced depression-like behaviors. Food & Function (IF2022 = 6.317, JCR 1区, 封面文章). DOI: 10.1039/D2FO02780A.
9. Chuan Yue, Hongli Cao, Shaorong Zhang, Zhilong Hao, Zongjie Wu, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Aroma characteristics of Wuyi rock tea prepared from 16 different tea plant varieties. Food Chemistry-X (IF2022 = 6.443, JCR 1区), 100586. DOI: 10.1016/j.fochx.2023.100586.
10. Sibo Zhao, Shanshan Hu, Kang Sun, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Pu-erh tea intake enhances the anti-obesity effect of intermittent fasting via modulating follicle-stimulating hormone and gut dysbacteriosis in female high-fat-diet mice. Journal of Functional Foods (IF2022 = 5.223, JCR 2区). DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2023.105495.
11. Shanshan Hu, Zhiyuan Lin, Sibo Zhao, Bowen Zhang, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Pu-erh tea alleviated colitis-mediated brain dysfunction by promoting butyric acid production. Food and Chemical Toxicology (IF2022 = 5.572, JCR 1区), 172, 113594. DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113594.
12. Shanshan Hu, Liyong Luo, Xintong Bian, Rui Hai Liu, Sibo Zhao, Yu Chen, Kang Sun, Jielin Jiang, Zhonghua Liu, Liang Zeng*. (2022) Pu-erh tea restored circadian rhythm disruption by regulating tryptophan metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF2021 = 5.279, JCR 1区, 封面文章), 5610-5623. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c01883.
13. Shaorong Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Huanhuan Li, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2023). Identification of the key phytochemical components responsible for sensory characteristics of Hunan fuzhuan brick tea. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. (IF2022 =4.520, JCR 2区). DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105289.
14. Shanshan Hu, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2022) Tea combats circadian rhythm disorder syndrome via the gut-liver-brain axis: potential mechanisms speculated. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF2021 = 11.176, JCR 1区), 1-22. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2040945.
15. Yu Chen, Liyong Luo, Shanshan Hu, Renyou Gan, and Liang Zeng*. (2022). The chemistry, processing, and preclinical anti-hyperuricemia potential of tea: a comprehensive review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF2021 = 11.176, JCR 1区), 1-26. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2040417.
16. Ting Xu, Shanshan Hu , Yan Liu, Kang Sun, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2022) Hawk Tea Flavonoids as Natural Hepatoprotective Agents Alleviate Acute Liver Damage by Reshaping the Intestinal Microbiota and Modulating the Nrf2 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways. Nutrients (IF2021 = 6.706, JCR 2区), 14(17), 3662. DOI: 10.3390/nu14173662.
17. Shanshan Hu, Changhua Hu, Liyong Luo, Haotian Zhang, Sibo Zhao, Zhonghua Liu, Liang Zeng*. (2022) Pu-erh tea increases the metabolite Cinnabarinic acid to improve circadian rhythm disorder-induced obesity. Food Chemistry (IF2021 = 7.514, JCR 1区), 394, 133500. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133500.
18. Jizhou Xie, Fang Wei, Liyong Luo, Lifeng Dai, Liang Zeng*, and Xinghua Wang. (2022). Effect of cell wall-disruption processes on wall disruption, antioxidant activity and nutrients in tea pollen. International Journal of Food Science & Technology (IF2021 = 3.713, JCR 2区). DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.15612.
19. Shaorong Zhang, Yu Shi, Jielin Jiang, Liyong Luo, and Liang Zeng*. (2022). Discriminant Analysis of Pu-Erh Tea of Different Raw Materials Based on Phytochemicals Using Chemometrics. Foods (IF2021 = 4.350, JCR 2区), 680. DOI: 10.3390/foods11050680.
20. Yu Shi, Shaorong Zhang, Kang Sun, Xinghua Wang, Jieling Jiang, Liyong Luo, and Liang Zeng*. (2022). Characterization of bitter taste theacrine in Pu-erh tea. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (IF2021 = 4.556, JCR 2区), 106. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2021.104331.
21. Xia Yu, Xinghong Cai, Shuang Li, Liyong Luo, Jie Wang, Min Wang*, Liang Zeng*. (2022). Studies on the interactions of theaflavin-3,3'-digallate with bovine serum albumin: multi- spectroscopic analysis and molecular docking. Food Chemistry (IF2020 = 7.514, JCR 1区), 130422. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.13042.
22. 吴致君, 李伟, 王兴华, 张成, 蒋勋, 黎盛, 罗理勇, 孙康*, 曾亮*, (2022). 基于SLAF-seq的茶组子房室数不稳定居群种质亲缘关系分析[J]. 园艺学报, 49(11): 2455-2470.
23. Chuan Yue*, Qianqian Chen, Juan Hu, Congcong Li, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*, (2022). Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of GARP Transcription Factor Gene Family Members Reveal Their Diverse Functions in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis). Frontiers in Plant Science (IF2021= 5.561, JCR 2区), 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.947072.
24. Shanshan Hu, Yu Chen, Sibo Zhao, Kang Sun, Liyong Luo, and Liang Zeng*. (2021). Ripened Pu-Erh Tea Improved the Enterohepatic Circulation in a Circadian Rhythm Disorder Mice Model. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF2020 = 5.279, JCR 1区, 封面文章), 13533-13545. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c05338.
25. Shanshan Hu, Shi Li, Yan Liu, Kang Sun, Liyong Luo, and Liang Zeng*. (2021). Aged Ripe Pu-erh Tea Reduced Oxidative Stress-Mediated Inflammation in Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis Mice by Regulating Intestinal Microbes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF2020 = 5.279, JCR 1区), 10592-10605. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c04032.
26. Jieyao Yu, Yan Liu, Shaorong Zhang, Liyong Luo, Liang Zeng*. (2021). Effect of brewing conditions on phytochemicals and sensory profiles of black tea infusions: A primary study on the effects of geraniol and β-ionone on taste perception of black tea infusions. Food Chemistry (IF2020 = 7.514, JCR 1区, ESI 0.1%高被引), 129504. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129504.
27. Qiubing Chen, Qian Li, Nanxi Chen, Menghang Zua, Brandon S.B. Canup, Liyong Luo, Chenhui Wang*, Liang Zeng*, and Bo Xiao*. (2021). Natural exosome-like nanovesicles from edible tea flowers suppress metastatic breast cancer via ROS generation and microbiota modulation. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (IF2020 = 11.413, JCR 1区), 907-923. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsb.2021.08.016.
1. 曾亮,罗理勇,柳岩,王择适,黎盛. 一种冷泡型柠檬蜂蜜红茶粉的制备方法及其产品,ZL201610288527.8
2. 曾亮,罗理勇,黎盛,傅丽亚. 一种茶树花手工洁面皂及其制备方法,ZL201610393334.9
3. 曾亮,罗理勇,黎盛. 一种高茶黄素含量茶叶的制备方法,ZL201410552637.1
4. 曾亮, 童华荣, 罗理勇, 黎盛, 丁阳平. 糙米绿茶的制备方法及其产品. ZL 201210276730.5
5. 童华荣,阮红倩,曾亮. 制备冷溶绿茶粉的方法及产品,ZL201310381194.X
6. 罗理勇, 黄先智, 陆小滕驾, 童华荣, 曾亮. 低草腥味桑叶茶的制备方法及其产品. ZL 201210357445.6
1. 国家级青年人才奖励(2023年);
2. 获国际学术“Best Researcher Award”奖(2022年)
3. 西南大学“十三五”科研工作先进个人(2021年)
4. 2020~2021年度神农中华农业科技奖三等奖(2021年,排名第2)
5. 第七届中国茶叶学会“帝芙特杯”青年科技奖(2021年)
6. 2020年度重庆市科学技术进步奖三等奖(2020年,排名第2)
1. 重庆市营养学会副理事长(2023年)
2. 《茶叶科学》编委委员(2023年)
3. 重庆市茶叶学会副理事长(2021年)
4. 中国农村专业技术协会茶叶专委会秘书长(2020年)
5. 《中国茶叶》编委委员(2020年)
地 址:400715,重庆市北碚区天生路2号,西南大学食品科学学院(40教612)